

Students often ask why master’s degree offered by local universities take two to three years to complete. On the other hand, United States and Australia master’s degree take two years, but British master’s degree can be completed in a year. Will the duration of my studies affect the quality of education? Let us enlighten you...
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The biggest choice most adult learners face is deciding whether to attend an online college or attend on-campus classes. However, online classes are deemed to be more popular in recent years as it is more flexible & convenient than traditional classes. Let’s have a look at the advantages of online learning! 1. Wide array of...
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Pursuing an MBA is a big decision to make! Beside investing your valuable time and money, you need to fulfil the demanding entry requirements. The thought of going through all these hassles might make you wonder that is MBA really that important? What if we can help you earn an MBA without going through all...
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When you’re next on a train or a bus, lift your head up from your mobile phone and take a look. You’ll find that most people have their heads bowed. Most of them will be staring at their mobile phones. Eyes, ears and minds locked into a virtual reality. We now live a large proportion...
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With its birth in the US, the MBA degree has become a truly global qualification that has transcended national and cultural boundaries in its relevance to global business. In recent years, the hotbed of growth in MBA hiring activity, has been within the Asia-Pacific region, and this continues to grow. The MBA is become more relevant...
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